Professional common buckthorn and glossy buckthorn removal. Removal of 30 other non-native invasive trees, shrubs, vines and evergreen ground cover plants.

Are you looking for the best invasive plant/weed removal in Hamilton Ontario area?
Well you are in luck! Finding a Reliable and trusted company in Hamilton Ontario, For your invasive plants or weed removal job is hard to find. with us you can trust that we will eradicate invasive buckthorn shrubs and so much more. Guaranteed!
Buckthorn invasion can harm the economy and the environment, and it can kill a forest. It out-competes our native plants, reduces biodiversity, it degrades the quality of wildlife habitat, and impacts wide range of industries, communities, and our health. Common buckthorn is listed as noxious weed and it has poisonous berries.
We serve residential & commercial properties as well as work with local municipalities for buckthorn and other invasive weed removal in the Hamilton, Halton, Haldimand and Niagara Regions of Ontario
A message from Sami
“I love our forests. I love the magnificence of the formations, tree colours the sounds, the feeling of being in the woods, the animals that inhabit them, even the tiny details of the mushrooms and mosses. We each have pieces of the big wonderful forest we all share, and it is our duty to protect it all from certain death by fighting against the Buckthorn and other invasive plants, and encouraging and planting desirable native plants, shrubs and trees for a healthy environment. These changes benefits all including the forests, the wildlife and offer the environment a natural ecosystem to improve soil and water conservation, without the “interruptions” from invasive” species”.
Thanks for stopping by!

Berries contribute to Buckthorn's aggressive invasiveness.
The berries get spread around and enable the plant to take root and aggressively move through out an area and dominate.
Canada’s annual Invasive Species Awareness Week
Much attention has been drawn to Asian giant hornets lately, but they are just one of thousands of invasive species that don’t belong in Canada’s ecological makeup.
This invasive shrubby tree evolved to avoid elimination
There was a time when land managers promoted the planting of European buckthorn, rhamnus cathartica, along roadsides and in the windrows between fields.
How to Identify Common Buckthorn
The OMAFRA spotted wing drosophila (SWD) team learned a lot about SWD in 2012. Not only did the SWD spread rapidly throughout Ontario, …